Building Catholic community
on campus.

Encouraging Catholic spiritual development.


Newman Catholic Campus Ministry serves Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. Under the tradition of Saint John Henry Newman, we hope to encounter students and help foster their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Holy Mass

All are welcome to attend Mass with us just a short walk from campus at Saints Peter and Paul Church every Sunday at 12pm. After each Mass, we gather for bagels and fellowship.


Newman Nights

Every Monday at 8pm, join us for talks, activities, and discussions on various topics as we explore what it’s like to practice faith during the college. Guest speakers and snacks provided! We have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament starting at 7pm before Newman Night begins.


Bible Study

Looking to learn more about the Bible but feel a bit intimidated? Every Thursday at 5pm, we meet to break down the history and context behind the different books of the Bible and readings for upcoming Sunday Mass. We approach our meetings with prayer and conversation to dive deep and discover the message that God has for each one of us.


“Good is never accomplished except at the cost of those who do it, truth never breaks through except through the sacrifice of those who spread it.”

— Saint John Henry Newman, patron of Newman Catholic Student Association


Participation in all student organizations at Stevens Institute of Technology is open to all students regardless of any characteristic protected by law, including race, color, national origin, sex/gender, gender identity, age, and/or disability.


Feel free to contact our Campus Minister Brooke with any questions.
